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Hope you like what you see so far, in the gallery to my right you will see some of my work, highlights from some of the amazing days I have had the priviledge of collaborationg on. Please click on my BLOG to lots more images from my recent weddings. I only shoot 6 weddings a year to ensure that the creativity and quality is always there. If you would like to chat over any aspect of your day please get in touch HERE. I have shot well over 400 weddings and won many top awards. Basically if you would like your day covered in an artistic way but with minimum impact to the natural flow of the wedding we may be able to work together.

London Engagement Shoot of Marisa and Jonathan

Marisa and Jonathan: City centre shoots are always such great things to do, there is just so much going on. So with this in mind we loosely based this ‘couples portrait’ on a theme. You know that fantastic feeling when you are in love and you only have eyes for each other . You could be in the busiest city in the world and somehow there is no one else around, just the both of you.

Marisa and Jonathan work in the city in the banking sector so it was around this area that we met them both. With it being  a weekend there was not too may people around, this only added to our theme about being alone in a crowded city. We say theme but it’s quite obvious that this is one couple just made for each other so we didn’t have to try hard.

Not long now to their wedding and despite them living in London they are actually getting married in the nearest wedding venue to us in Manchester the Saddleworth Hotel, a day we are very much looking forward to.

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